Articles Posted in Bicycle Injury Accidents

As Spring approaches, more and more people will pull the bikes out of the garage, dust them off, and start using them as a primary mode of transportation. Indeed, bicycles are a great way to get around in the suburbs and the city. However, riding a bike on a crowded street does present an added level of risk that should be accounted for.

Whether it is a distracted driver who isn’t paying as close attention to the road as they should, or a motorist who does not respect the bicyclist’s right of way, bike accidents are common. Not only are they common, they are also often very serious. This is especially true when the other vehicle involves in a large truck or other commercial vehicle.

While a bicyclist has a duty to take precautions while on the road, that duty also extends to other motorists who share the road with the bicyclist. In fact, under Maryland law, a bicyclist is required to use the road – and not the sidewalk in most circumstances. And when a bicyclist is on the road, it should be treated as any other motor vehicle. This means that drivers should not try and pass the bicyclist unless it is safe to do so, and drivers must yield to the bicyclist if he or she has the right of way. A driver’s failure to do so may result in a serious or fatal accident for which they can be held legally responsible.

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The small roads in residential neighborhoods are not designed for large trucks. Most often, these roads do not have bike lanes, are much narrower than their larger counterparts, and require motorists to make tighter turns. Each of these factors present a difficultly for large trucks operating on residential roads.

While it may be difficult for operators of large vehicles to drive on smaller residential roads, sometimes it is necessary. Whether it is a school bus navigating a neighborhood or a moving truck full of a homeowner’s possessions, large vehicles sometimes find themselves on narrow roads. When the need does arise for a large vehicle to use a smaller road, it is imperative that the driver of that vehicle be aware of the layout of the surrounding area, the potential for foot or bicycle traffic, and the limitations of the vehicle in making necessary turns.

If a driver causes a collision while on a small road, anyone harmed as a result may have a claim for damages against the driver, even if it was an “honest mistake.” Indeed, there is no reason that the injured victim be the one who should pay for the mistake of an inexperienced driver.

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Over the past few years, the number of bicyclists has skyrocketed for a number of reasons, including a more urban-centered population and an increased importance placed on “green” modes of transportation. With this increase in the number of bicyclists on the road, local governments should be quick to add more bike lanes in order to allow safe travel. However, due to the slow-moving nature of government, the necessary bike lanes have yet to sprout up in most urban areas, and they are still no doubt years away in suburban areas.

This creates a situation in which bicyclists and motorists must coexist on the same road. Of course, this creates its difficulties for bicyclists and motorists alike. However, ultimately the duty will fall on both parties to ensure that everybody remains safe.

A bicyclist can do his or her part by wearing a helmet and following all posted traffic laws. It is important to remember that when a bicyclist is on the road, he or she is expected to obey all traffic signals and laws as though he or she were driving a car. The flip side of that requirement is that motorists are in turn required to treat bicycles as vehicles. This means giving bicycles ample room when passing, respecting a bicyclist’s right of way, and keeping an eye out for bicyclists on a daily commute.

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Any accident involving a motorized vehicle and a bicycle has the potential to result in tragedy. And there are no more tragic bicycle accidents than those that result in the death of the bicyclist. Perhaps the only thing that can make a fatal accident worse is when the driver involved in the accident decides to flee the scene rather than stop to see if the bicyclist they just hit needed medical care.

While hit-and-run accidents may shock the conscience of some, they are more common than most believe. In fact, the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration estimates that approximately 1,450 fatal hit-and-run crashes occur each year. Due to the reprehensible nature of a hit-and-run accident, the Maryland state legislature has enacted strict penalties for those who are found to have fled the scene an an accident resulting in serious injury or death.

Not only can a hit-and-run driver face criminal liability, but also they may be sued in a civil court of law by the injured party or the injured party’s family. These lawsuits are based on the legal theory of negligence and require that the plaintiff prove to the court that the defendant’s negligent actions resulted in the plaintiff’s injuries. The fact that a defendant fled from the scene of an accident can be a basis for liability, even if the cause of the original accident is not certain.

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Earlier last month in Dallas, Texas, a 26-year-old bicyclist was seriously injured after she was struck and knocked off her bicycle by a drunk driver. According to one local news source, the bicyclist spoke to reporters after the accident, telling them that the key to avoiding accidents like the one that seriously injured her is driver education.

Evidently, the bicyclist had stopped at an intersection and was waiting for traffic to clear before crossing. However, once she started to cross the intersection, a vehicle approached. The vehicle entered the intersection and didn’t slow down until it hit her, knocking her off her bike and seriously injuring her. Thankfully, the woman was wearing a helmet. However, she still suffered serious injuries, including a concussion and neck injuries. She is expected to make a full recovery over the next several weeks.

The driver who struck the bicyclist was arrested and charged with driving under the influence and intoxication assault.

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Earlier this month, the driver of an SUV got out of his car and intentionally assaulted a bicyclist after the two had been involved in a collision. According to one local news report, the man also picked up one of the bike’s tires and threw it into the woods before leaving the scene of the accident.

Evidently, the bicyclist was in front of the SUV, and both were heading south on St. George Barber Road. As the cyclist saw the SUV approach, he waved for the vehicle to pass him. However, the SUV failed to pass immediately, and the two vehicles approached a natural curve in the road. As he approached the curve, the bicyclist got in the middle of his lane of traffic in order to allow oncoming traffic to see him, and also to prevent the SUV from passing around a blind corner.

However, it was at this time that the SUV attempted to pass the cyclist on the left, and the two collided. Witnesses told reporters that the driver of the SUV then got out of his vehicle and assaulted the bicyclist before leaving the scene. Once emergency responders arrived at the scene, the bicyclist was taken to the hospital, where he was treated for a broken leg, arm, and rib. He is expected to make a full recovery.

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Earlier this month, a former Navy Seal was killed when he was struck while he was riding a bicycle in Bethesda, Maryland. According to one local news source, the accident occurred in the area of the 6000 block of Massachusetts Avenue at around 6:15 in the morning.Evidently, the man was riding his bike eastbound on Massachusetts Avenue when he was struck by a Chevy Malibu. The Malibu was also heading eastbound on Massachusetts Avenue. At the time of the accident, the bicyclist was riding on the shoulder and wearing his helmet. However, he was pronounced dead at the scene. The driver of the Malibu was not injured in the accident.

Police are in the midst of an investigation into what caused the fatal bicycle accident. They did tell reporters that the man remained on the scene after the accident. At the time of the article’s publication, there have been no charges filed against the driver of the Malibu. However, that could change as the investigation continues.

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Earlier this month in Vermont, a doctor was struck by an allegedly drunk driver as he was enjoying an afternoon bike ride before dinner. According to one local Vermont news report, the man and his wife were preparing to have guests over for dinner, and, while his wife was preparing dinner, the man left to go on a bike ride on his regular route. Sadly, he never returned home.

Evidently, the man was riding his bike south on Greenbush Road in Ferrisburgh when a 2013 Chevy Cruze struck him from behind. The woman stopped and remained on the scene until police showed up.

After police arrived and began their investigation, it was discovered that the woman driving the Chevy Cruze was allegedly intoxicated. Specifically, the officers administered a blood-alcohol test and found that her blood-alcohol content (BAC) was .123. The legal limit for BAC in both Vermont and Maryland is .08. She was arrested on suspicion of DUI and released a short time later.

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Earlier this month in York County, Pennsylvania, a Maryland man passed away from injuries he sustained as a result of a fatal bicycle accident. According to one local York County news source, the accident occurred just after three in the afternoon on June 9.

Evidently, the accident occurred on a Sunday afternoon in Littlestown, Pennsylvania, just a few miles from the Maryland-Pennsylvania border. According to the news report, the accident involved the bicyclist and a truck that was pulling a utility trailer. Police have not finished conducting their investigation into the accident, but they have told reporters that the bicyclist was not wearing a helmet.

Immediately after the accident, the bicyclist was taken to York Hospital, where he died a few hours later from multiple blunt-force wounds to the head.

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Earlier last month in North Baltimore, an accident between a bike and a Subaru left one man dead. According to a report by one local news source, the accident occurred around the 5700 block of Roland Avenue, around 2:45 in the afternoon.

Evidently, when police responded to report of a bicycle accident, they found the 41-year-old victim but no other driver. It wasn’t until a little bit later that the driver of the car that had hit the bicyclist returned to the scene of the accident. The victim was transported to Sinai Hospital in critical condition, but he was not able to overcome his injuries. He died a short time later.

As it turns out, the driver of the Subaru was given probation in a 2010 case involving drunk driving. According to court documents, her blood-alcohol level back then was over three times the legal limit.

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