Articles Posted in Motorcycle Safety

If the last several years have been any indicator, it’s that there are more and more people choosing economical transportation over more expensive passenger cars. Whether that means chucking a larger sedan or sport utility vehicle for a gas-sipping hybrid or diesel hatchback, taking public transportation on the weekdays and saving the family vehicle for weekend outs only, people are trying to save money left and right.

It’s no secret that one of the more economical modes of personal internal combustion-powered transport is the motorcycle. Unfortunately bikes and motor scooters can also pose significant physical dangers to their owners. It’s a major tradeoff that many people need to consider very seriously when looking to save money at the pump and to lower ownership costs. If you can, literally, live with the near-constant risk of physical injury or even death, then the two-wheeled solution might be an option.

As a Maryland personal injury attorney, I understand the downside of being involved in a traffic accident while riding a Honda, Harley-Davidson, Suzuki or Ducati cycle. Obviously the emotional and financial payoff with these vehicles can be quite high, but riders need to fully understand and accept the dangers as well. Having represented victims of motorcycle, automobile and trucking-related collisions, I and my colleagues are all too aware of the potentially painful consequences — physical, financial and emotional — that a motorcycle-related traffic accident can present to a victim and his family.

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Spring has arrived, and though it could be a little early for every motorcycle rider to dust off his mount, the warmer days are on their way. But from a public safety standpoint, we can’t help but wonder if we will be looking at some more passenger car-bike and truck-motorcycle accidents as the season progresses. Most anyone who follows the news here in Baltimore and other urban areas has heard for the potentially dangerous groups of dirt bike riders playing havoc with motorists and others in town.

As Maryland personal injury lawyers, I and my legal staff have helped bikers injured in bad traffic collisions. A serious roadway collision can turn out to be a life-threatening event for almost anyone, but for motorcyclists the risks can be even greater. And, while most conscientious riders obey our traffic laws and respect other motorists’ rights as well, there are bad apples among them.

As we write this, we are thinking specifically about the dangerous trend of urban dirt bike riding by mostly unlicensed and, some would say, reckless youth. While not involving the more thoughtful riders out there, this trend has continued much to local police departments’ dismay. Based on a news article published not long ago, we have to ask ourselves if Baltimore and other areas of the state are in for another round of dangerous dirt bike riding exploits.

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We’ve already heard of several fatal accidents involving motorcycles this year, so it’s not too soon for everyone to prepare themselves for a new season of motorcycle riding here in Maryland. Whether one is riding on the expressways serving our major cities, out on some rural two-lane or creeping through dense urban traffic, the opportunities for a severe roadway accident anywhere throughout the state are much higher for bikers than most any other motorist.

As Baltimore personal injury lawyers, I and my legal staff have seen the aftermath of many a tragic traffic collision; and certainly more than we would want anyone else to experience, especially not first-hand. Passenger car collisions, whether they involve a sedan, family minivan or larger sport utility vehicle, can result in serious and sometimes fatal injuries. The same can be said for roadway wrecks caused by commercial vehicles, such as city buses, 18-wheelers, large box trucks, and utility repair vehicles.

But as bad as car and trucking-related collisions can be, accidents involving any one of these vehicles and a motorcycle can be much, much worse; usually the person who is hurt the most is the rider on the bike. Even while wearing all the proper safety equipment — such as a correctly sized and certified helmet, motorcycle boots and gloves, plus a specialized riding suit, or leather chaps and motorcycle jacket — injuries sustained by a motorcyclist can range from painful, yet minor to severe and life-threatening.

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Mothers, fathers and siblings all worry about family members and friends who ride motorcycles. Why? The answer is simple: Motorcyclists are statistically more likely to be killed or injured in traffic collisions than drivers or passengers in cars, minivans, SUVs or pickup trucks that are caught up in serious roadway crashes. Of course, we are probably preaching to the choir when it comes to any biker who is reading this, but understanding as we do the downside to motorcycle accidents, we feel compelled to reiterate our message of caution.

As Maryland personal injury attorneys, I and my staff of legal professionals have seen riders who have been mildly to severely hurt in car-bike wrecks, as well as bikers involved in collisions with commercial trucks. Although most every motorcycle enthusiast understands the risks involved with traveling in dense traffic or along a high-speed interstate, the fact remains fatal and near-fatal injuries can easily result when a bike is hit by a larger vehicle or, worse, if the rider collides with a stationary object.

Traumatic brain injury is common, even for those who wear a certified helmet and other protective riding gear, as are broken bones and compound fractures, internal injuries and debilitating back and neck injuries. Never mind the potential for severe burns in crashes that ignite a gasoline-fueled fire. For anyone who chooses not to acknowledge the ever-present risk of injury or death while riding a motorcycle, consider the following news items.

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Few but the die-hard riders out there will be plying the roadways after this week, what with the colder, nastier weather being ushered in by the likes of Hurricane Sandy. But there are still those dyed-in-the-wool bikers who will try to ride in almost any weather that nature throws at us. For those individuals, as well as the other drivers who encounter them on the road this fall and early winter, we are compelled to offer some warnings about fair-weather versus rough-weather riding.

At the end of this week, we will also be switching over to daylight savings time, which means that it will be darker toward the evening hours as the days shorten as well. Not that all traffic accidents happen at night or in poor weather, but these conditions can certainly contribute to a bad motorcycle, car or trucking-related wreck, depending on the circumstances. As Maryland personal injury attorneys, we know that cold can affect a person’s cognitive abilities to the point that they may not be functioning at their best.

For bikers and other individuals who are exposed to cold and damp weather conditions, it’s conceivable that a traffic threat or other potential accident condition may not be as readily noticed by a rider who is fighting off a severe chill induced by traveling in mid-40-degree ambient temperatures at 50-60mph for a time. The effective wind chill at those speeds can really take a toll on even a well-bundled motorcyclist. The main point we want to convey is that no matter one’s level of experience, take extra precautions when riding during this time of the year.

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There’s no argument that riding a motorcycle places a person in one of the highest risk group among the motoring public, not only due to the frequency of accidents involving bikes, but also the greater likelihood of being injured or killed when compared to similar accidents involving passenger car drivers. This may sound harsh, but motorcycle riders as a group have never been ones to follow the crowd, which explains why this intrepid bunch, despite the ever-present dangers, continues to enjoy their chosen sport.

As a mode of transportation, bikes don’t offer the same level of comfort that even the most basic automobile has. Weather, noise, physical proximity of much larger vehicles all contribute to the array of physical inputs with which a motorcycle rider must deal on a daily basis. It’s no surprise that most riders are, if not immune, certainly inured against the constant onslaught of sensory inputs and perceived dangers. To put it mildly, most motorcycle riders are hardy folks with a passion for their machines.

Getting back to the issue at hand, though, it would seem that bikers have not been enjoying the positive effects of the apparent reduction in traffic accidents over the past year or so. As Maryland personal injury lawyers, we are aware of the reasons for most accidents and even though two-wheeled motor vehicles share only a few similarities with their four-wheeled counterparts, one could only hope that any positive effects from a safer traffic environment would be passed on to the motorcycling community as well.

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If it wasn’t already obvious to most people out there, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has weighed in with their recommendation for helmet use by motorcycle riders. With a number of states still allowing bikers to travel unprotected by a certified motorcycle helmet, and with several states having repealed helmet laws requiring riders to wear so-called “Brain Buckets,” the CDC’s announcement that helmets save lives AND money would seem to call into question the wisdom behind legislation in those non-use states.

As Baltimore automobile accident lawyers, my firm handles cases ranging from pedestrian, bicycle and motorcycle injury accidents to car and commercial trucking collisions. One thing that we know, having seen our share of severe traffic accidents, is that unprotected individuals fare much worse on average than those who have some kind of protection.

According to study out of Washington, D.C., the CDC deduced that states which require riders and passengers of two-wheeled motor vehicles wear a helmet at all times on public roads had, in the words of the article, “dramatically lower” costs vis-à-vis biker-related accidents. In other words, it was found that those states with better, more all-encompassing helmet laws experienced lower monetary costs when it came to riders/passengers hurt or killed in bike crashes.

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This far into the summer it may appear all too obvious that it’s perfect motorcycling weather here in Baltimore and throughout Maryland and Washington, D.C. Whether your passion is standards, cruisers, customs or sport bikes, the two-wheelers are out in force enjoying the sunny days and warm evenings. One could argue that we’re past the dangerous season, now that drivers of passenger cars and commercial delivery trucks are more used to seeing bikers on Harleys, Hondas, Yamahas and Kawasakis, but complacency has led to more than one traffic accident in the past.

As Maryland personal injury attorneys, I and my legal staff know better than some that motorcycle crashes and passenger car accidents kill way too many people every year. No matter if you ride for pleasure or as a daily commuter, staying on top of the nearby traffic action is one of the best ways to staying alive. Experience and training are also keys to survival, as is the proper equipment and bike maintenance.

More than one motorcycle rider has been killed due to improper or lack of vehicle upkeep. Tires that are too old, hardened rubber or cracked sidewalls, shallow or non-existent tread, under- or over-inflation; one or all of these could lead to trouble down the road. And tire failures can happen just when you need them the most, such as during an emergency maneuver to avoid a serious collision with another vehicle or pedestrian.

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Now that the warm weather is here, and likely here to stay, more than a few Hondas, Harleys, Kawasakis and Ducatis are hitting the roadways of Maryland; here in the Baltimore area, over in Rockville and Gaithersburg, not to mention the streets of Washington, D.C. But it’s important to remember that as bikers venture back onto the roads, other vehicles are still there in large numbers.

As Maryland personal injury lawyers, we only know too well how drivers, passengers and motorcycle riders can easily be injured or killed by getting into an accident with another passenger car, a city bus or a commercial delivery truck. And since the drivers of those larger motor vehicles need to get used to the latest batch of motorcyclists crisscrossing our urban areas and interstate highways, the early part of the motorcycle season can see a lot of unexpected automobile accidents.

Once the less intrepid riders know that the cold weather is mostly past, they likely head out in greater numbers. But just as four-wheel motorists must adjust to the presence of more bikes on the road, bikers would do well to observe caution when mixing with those very same cars and trucks. Drivers of passenger cars, SUVs and minivans have just as many distractions as they did during the colder months, but adding two-wheelers to the high-speed mix can make for a deadly combination. More than one rider has been killed in a traffic accident through distraction; don’t let it be you.

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With the Memorial Day holiday now behind us and summer fast on its way, we feel compelled to advise caution to those who will be riding their motorcycles around the state this coming season and on into fall. As with any discussion of biking safety, one must certainly remind those riders who venture out on hot summer weekends (and especially warm-weather holidays) that some drivers will not be paying strict attention to the road; accidents can and will occur in the coming weeks and months — and there is little anyone can do about it.

Of course, the dangers posed by summer traffic are nothing new to most motorcycle riders, since every motorcyclist worth his or her salt understands the intrinsic risk associated with such a dynamic and exhilarating sport. It always seems that the number of riders on Maryland roadways increases in direct proportion to the rise in average temperature. With those increased numbers comes, hopefully, a greater awareness on the part of car and truck drivers as to the existence of bikes sharing the traffic lanes. One can always hope, at least.

Still, as with most aspects of life, not everyone is paying the best attention to traffic conditions as they should be. This has always been the case, but over recent years with the increasing availability and use of cell phones, smartphones, mobile email and other hand-held apps, the fight for a driver’s attention is being lost by the task at hand, namely operating a motor vehicle safely and thoughtfully.

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