It is commonly known that motorcycle riders and passengers are at greater risk of injury and or death than automobile riders and passengers, but the true difference in risk level between the two activities might surprise many. In fact, some sources claim that for every mile traveled, motorcyclists are 35 times more likely than car riders to have a fatal accident. Given the tremendous risk of motorcycle accidents and the potentially fatal results of such crashes, both motorcyclists and car drivers should take all prudent precautions when it comes to navigating traffic situations involving motorcycles and sharing the road. A recent news article discussed a local fatal hit-and-run involving a crash between a motorcycle and a truck.
The recent article described how a fatal hit-and-run collision unfolded on Wednesday, August 2. Around 3:35 pm, witnesses reported that a truck that struck a motorcycle left the scene of the collision. The accident occurred between a 78-year-old man in a pickup truck and a 64-year-old female motorcyclist near Main Street at Westville Road according to law enforcement officials. Police said that the motorcyclist was taken to Lawrence General Hospital, where she later died of her injuries from the crash. Main Street was closed following the accident while police investigated the crash. A longtime resident of Main Street in the area said he felt that a crash like this one felt inevitable. The resident stated, “Accidents all the time. All the time.” Other neighbors felt similarly. One stated, that the truck driver “had to backup to get the bike out from underneath his truck.” Once he backed up, “he just took off.” Members of the neighborhood said they have been trying to get a light or stop sign installed to slow drivers down.
How Common Are Maryland Motorcycle Accidents?
This type of tragic and horrifying accident is unfortunately all too common in Maryland and shows the need for car drivers and motorcyclists to engage in exceedingly careful conduct when driving at high speeds near or around motorcycles. The smaller profile and size of motorcycles result in a greater likelihood of such vehicles occupying blind spots of larger vehicles and the open nature of motorcycle riding creates unique harm for riders involved in any crashes. When drivers of larger vehicles only look out for other large vehicles and cars and fail to pay special attention to motorcycles and other vehicles with small profiles, it places the smaller vehicles at great risk. In the event that a driver fails to see another vehicle, resulting in a motorcycle crash, they could face both civil and criminal legal liability.
Have You Been Hurt in a Maryland Automobile Accident?
If you or a loved one has suffered injury or harm from a car or truck accident in Prince George’s, Charles, Baltimore, or Montgomery County, contact the lawyers at Lebowitz & Mzhen today for help. Our attorneys have many years of experience fighting for the injured and will work to provide you with the support, legal knowledge, and confidence to proceed with your claim. The costs stemming from injury or abuse can quickly become overwhelming, and having a team of experienced lawyers on your side can make all the difference. To schedule a free and confidential consultation today, contact us at 800-654-1949.