
Articles Posted in Multi-vehicle Accidents


Maryland Motorcycle Accident News: Scooter Use on College Campuses Could Lead to More Collisions

Following a car-scooter crash that injured Maryland football player Pete DeSouza on the University of Maryland campus, some people are asking whether the increase in scooter use on college campuses could lead to an increase in injury accidents among university students. As Baltimore motorcycle accident lawyers, we would also ask…


Baltimore Personal Injury News: Thoughts on Motorcycle Safety and Traffic Accidents in the Off Season

Looking forward, and at this point we’d say rather far forward, to spring and the new riding season, motorcyclists will at some point be getting back on the road. When that time comes, there will likely be some more intrepid riders heading out early. Whether you ride a Yamaha, Harley,…


Maryland Motorcycle Accident Report: Rider Dies following Hit-and-Run Traffic Collision in Baltimore

It’s a tragedy when anyone is killed in a senseless Maryland traffic accident, but to lose a loved one as a result of a fatal hit-and-run crash, that is a double blow to a family that is already reeling from the loss. As a Maryland automobile injury lawyer, I have…


Maryland Motorcycle Injury News: Deer Blamed for Fatal Multi-vehicle Accident that Killed Glen Burnie Biker

While winter may be here to stay for some time, it’s important to remember that motorcycle accidents can and do happen at the most unlikely times and for sometimes unexpected reasons. As a Baltimore auto accident attorney and motorcycle injury lawyer, I’ve seen enough news articles and police accident reports…


Baltimore Biker Injury News: Maryland Woman Dies When Husband Loses Control of Couple’s Harley Motorcycle

Without a doubt, motorcycle riding gives its fans a wonderful experience of freedom and adventure. There is little in the way of affordable fun that provides that same level of joy and excitement on the open road. But as a Maryland motorcycle accident attorney, I know the downside to all…


Maryland Motorcycle Accident News: Carroll County Rider in Critical Condition following Washington County Traffic Accident

A 47-year-old motorcyclist and his passenger were injured on a Saturday afternoon when the bike they were riding on collided with a passenger car along a section of Maryland 63 just west of Hagerstown, MD. Being a Baltimore motorcycle accident lawyer for many years, this is a distressingly typical scenario…


Maryland Man Dies after Car Pulls Out in Front of Motorcycle in Frederick County

As a personal injury attorney, my job is to represent victims of accidents precipitated by the negligent actions of other individuals. Motorcycle riders may be one of the most common groups of motorists injured on the road, especially during the spring and summer months. Unfortunately, traffic accidents involving bikes, such…


Maryland Motorcycle Rider Killed in Fatal Calvert County Traffic Accident with SUV

Having assisted numerous motorcycle riders following life-threatening bike-automobile accidents, I have seen the carnage that can be inflicted on a motorcyclist during a serious crash. It goes without saying that bikers and other riders of two-wheel motor vehicles have less protection against a severe traffic wreck than people in four-wheeled…


Suzuki and Yamaha Riders Die in Separate Maryland Motorcycle Accidents on Same Day

Few can deny that motorcycles have their appeal. On one hand they offer a feeling of freedom. On the other hand, they certainly can be dangerous. This is why some motorcycle owners describe riding a bike as an exercise in risk management. One of the biggest risks for bikers here…


Baltimore Motorcycle Rider Safety News: Maryland Bill may Result in Fewer Helmets Being Worn

Summer is fast upon us. Motorcycle riders have already been flooding the city streets and roadways across Maryland. But as any good rider knows, motorcycle-automobile accidents can be unforgiving on bikers and their passengers. Many motorcycle and car accidents become very tragic because a motorcyclist has little protection against the…

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