Biker and Wife Thrown Off Cycle with Serious Injuries in Calvert, MD, Motorcycle Accident

Cycle accidents were on the rise earlier this spring as many bikers and other motorcycle enthusiasts hit the interstates and rural roads at the first sign of warm weather. Calvert County experienced the third of southern Maryland’s serious motorcycle crashes late on a Saturday evening in April when a husband and wife where injured in a single-bike wreck.

The accident took place on Bowie Shop road, near Lowery Road in Huntington, MD. According to reports, the couple had been traveling westbound through Calvert County just before midnight when for some reason their 2007 Harley Davidson entered the westbound shoulder of the roadway. According to police at the scene, 43-year-old Flint Duffey was piloting the vehicle with his wife, Tracy, seated on the back. (It was unknown at the time whether or not the accident was cuased by rider error or defective vehicle equipment.)

The husband apparently steered to the left and applied brakes in order to avoid leaving the pavement; however he lost control of the motorcycle, which apparently laid over and slid on its side across the roadway. Both riders were reportedly ejected from the motorcycle, which came to rest following a collision with the eastbound guardrail.

As we’ve said here before, regardless of whether you ride a cruiser, standard or so-called crotch-rocket, motorcycle crashes can result in serious injuries depending on the nature of the crash and whether or not another motor vehicle, such as a passenger car or commercial truck, is involved in the traffic accident. Head trauma is always a possibility, though helmet use can improve a rider’s chances of severe injury or possible death.

In this instance, no other vehicles were involved and the Duffeys survived the crash with non-life-threatening injuries. Emergency responders arriving at the scene treated the couple, who were then transported to the Prince George’s Shock Trauma by Maryland State Police helicopters. They were both listed in stable condition at the time of the news report, and police were still investigating whether alcohol or prescription drugs use was a factor.

Two Injured in Calvert Motorcycle Crash,, April 5, 2010

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