
Understanding the Risks of Maryland Motorcycle Accidents

Although motorcycles are a fast, trendy, and convenient way to get around, they often pose unique safety concerns to those who ride them and the drivers they share the road with.

For riders, they are more at risk compared to passenger vehicle drivers because they do not have the benefit of a car to protect them in the event of an accident. For drivers, motorcyclists can be hard to see, especially when weather conditions are poor or visibility is low. Understanding the dangers associated with these accidents is beneficial for anyone who is on the road—and for remaining as safe and proactive as possible.

According to a recent news report, a man was killed after a motorcycle and SUV collided. Local authorities reported that the SUV and motorcycle ran into each other head-on, and the motorcyclist was pronounced dead on the scene. The SUV driver stayed at the scene and cooperated with first responders. The accident remains under investigation.

Although motorcycle riders often experience the highest risk of injury or death when they collide with a car or are involved in an accident, head-on motorcycle accidents are almost always fatal. Because head-on accidents are already one of the most dangerous types of accidents and involve the highest number of fatalities associated with any other type of collision, motorcyclists are even more at risk. Head-on accidents typically involve two vehicles driving at high speeds directly toward each other—and with motorcyclists lacking the protection of a passenger vehicle, the force associated with these accidents can often have devastating consequences.

Maryland, unfortunately, is no stranger to motorcycle accidents generally. According to the Maryland Department of Transportation, the state sees approximately 1,800 motorcycle accidents every year. Many of these accidents, unsurprisingly, also result in significant injury or death.

Most of these accidents take place because drivers of passenger vehicles fail to detect or see motorcycles in traffic. Because motorcycles are much smaller compared to passenger vehicles, visibility may be limited. If the weather is bad, there is a glare on the road or the motorcycle is obstructed by other vehicles around the driver, it can also make it difficult to see motorcycle drivers.

Are Motorcyclists More Likely to Be Injured in an Accident?

Yes, motorcyclists are ten times more likely to suffer serious injuries than occupants of other vehicles. Injuries such as traumatic brain injuries, spinal damage, whiplash, broken bones, internal bleeding, organ damage, and lacerations are all common following a motorcycle accident. Often, motorcycle riders are thrown from their bikes when they collide with a car, which further exacerbates the risk of serious injury.

Do You Need a Maryland Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?

If you or someone you know was recently injured or killed in a Maryland motorcycle accident or related personal injury incident, contact the attorneys at Lebowitz & Mzhen today for assistance. Our lawyers have years of experience fighting for the injured and will provide you with the care, support, and legal expertise you need to proceed with your claim with confidence. To schedule a free initial consultation with a member of our team today, contact us at 800-654-1949.

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