
Articles Posted in Bicycle Injury Accidents


Being Mindful of Blind Spots to Keep Bicyclists Safe

Blind spots are areas that drivers cannot see by simply using a mirror. Drivers should be especially mindful of their blind spots because of the possibility of failing to detect bicyclists or other vehicles. It is important to note that because vehicles vary in shape and size, a vehicle’s design…


Beware of Minimizing Accident Harm in the Wake of a Maryland Motorcycle Crash

Bicycle and Motorcycle accidents in the DC/Maryland/Virginia region cause many deaths and thousands of injuries each year. Often, cyclists may not realize the true extent of their injuries until well after an accident. This coupled with some bikers’ tendency to understate their injuries to family and friends can result in…


COVID-19 Led to a Rise in Biking, But Cyclists Must Beware of Potential Maryland Bicycle Accidents

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed Maryland residents’ way of life, including their transportation habits. While there are fewer motor vehicles on the road than usual, in part because people are working remotely and generally staying at home, an increasing number of people have begun riding bicycles, either as a…


Filing a Personal Injury Claim Following a Maryland DUI Accident

Drunk and drugged driving accidents continue to occur despite strict laws in the state of Maryland and across the country. Driving under the influence can result in both criminal charges and civil liability. Maryland enacted the Drunk Driving Reduction Act, or Noah’s Law, which took effect in October 2016. The…


How Maryland’s Recreational Use Statute May Impact Bicycle Accident Claims

Maryland’s recreational use statute (RUS) is designed to encourage property owners to make their land available to the public for educational and recreational use by limiting the property owner’s liability in certain circumstances. Maryland’s RUS can pose significant challenges to individuals that suffer injuries while visiting recreational properties. Under this…


Maryland’s Recreational Use Statute and It’s Limitations

Maryland law imposes a duty on landowners to keep their property safe for those whom they invite onto their land. This includes both a duty to remedy any known dangers, as well as a duty to warn visitors about any hazards that may not be readily apparent. However, under Maryland’s…


Maryland Bicycle Accidents Occurring on College Campuses

Maryland is a state that values higher education. Indeed, according to the most recent data, there are over 50 colleges across Maryland. Bicycles have long been the preferred method of travel for budget-conscious college students, especially in colleges and universities in large urban centers such as Baltimore and Washington, D.C.…


The Importance of Properly Pleading a Maryland Personal Injury Case

Recently, a state appellate court issued a written opinion in a bicycle accident case discussing a plaintiff’s claim against a city that maintained the park where he was injured. The case presented the court with the opportunity to discuss the precision with which a personal injury plaintiff must plead their…

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