
Baltimore Motorcycle Injury Update: Bike Wrecks and Serious Injuries can happen Anywhere, Anytime

Regardless of your level of experience in riding motorcycles, accidents can and do happen. Whatever you ride, be it a cruiser, chopper or crotch-rocket, the dangers on Maryland’s urban and rural roads are many and varied. As a personal injury and motorcycle accident lawyer serving residents of Baltimore, Annapolis, the District and the rest of the state, I have seen the results of bike crashes and the bodily injuries that can be sustained.

Traffic accidents are inevitable with so many cars and trucks on the road. But even when multi-vehicle accidents — that is a truck- or car-motorcycle collision — there are always the single-bike accidents to consider. Whether a wreck is caused by defective equipment such as a poorly maintained fork assembly, worn-out wheel bearing or bad brakes, or by an external cause, the outcome can be serious.

Motorcycles provide much fun and excitement, but they also must be respected. High speeds and rider inattention are a recipe for disaster. Whatever the cause, a motorcycle crash can cause severe injuries including broken bones, scrapes, gashes and road rash, traumatic brain injuries and spinal damage. Maryland’s helmet law is something that has saved many lives, but a helmet can’t keep a rider from making a fatal mistake or underestimating local conditions.

It wasn’t long ago that a couple, likely out for a pleasure ride was in northeast Maryland when one of the worst possible events occurred. According to police records, a deer darted out in front of the motorcycle on which the man and woman were riding. In an effort to avoid the animal, the driver attempted to steer the bike to one side. Based on the news reports, the bike may have been traveling to fast to recover from the maneuver and still stay on the roadway.

According to the news coverage, the motorcycle crash occurred near Fair Hill in Cecil County, MD. The couple’s motorcycle reportedly left the road and struck a fence throwing the riders off the bike. The driver, 27-year-old Kevin Kitts and his 28-year-old passenger, Astra Agularia, were injured in the accident. Emergency responders arriving on the scene treated the two and then transported for further treatment.

It would appear that the Ms. Agularia received the most severe injuries, due to the fact that she was taken to University of Maryland’s Shock Trauma Unit in Baltimore following the crash. The driver was taken to Christiana Hospital, but was released the same day according to the news.

People injured in Sunday motorcycle accident identified,, November 11, 2009

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