
Bike Accidents Involving Children Are Frighteningly Common

Teaching a child to ride a bike can be a rewarding experience for both the child and the adult. However, bicycle safety is a critical component of learning to ride a bike and should never be overlooked. Not only is it important to teach children always wear a helmet, but also to follow the rules of the road and to always be aware of drivers that may not be paying attention.

According to a recent news report based on a study conducted by the Center for Injury Research and Policy, Maryland bicycle accidents involving children may be more common than most people believe. Evidently, nationwide there are there are about 608 bicycle-related injuries per day, which comes out to about 25 accidents per hour.

Of course, most of these accidents are minor. In fact, the top reported injury types were bruises, scrapes, and cuts. However, a very significant 11% of all child bicycle accidents resulted in a traumatic brain injury. Unsurprisingly, when a motor vehicle is involved in the accident, the chance of the child suffering a traumatic brain injury greatly increases.

Most child bicycle accidents occurred in the street (48%), with a bit over a third of the accidents occurring at or near the child’s home. The study also discovered that while helmets were effective at preventing many head and brain injuries, they did not significantly reduce the chance of other injuries.

Boys were found to be involved in 75% of the accidents, and the most common age group was 10-14 years old. Unfortunately, that age group was also the least likely to wear a helmet while riding.

Liability in Bicycle Accident Cases

Even if a parent teaches their children all the safe riding habits, some bicycle accidents are beyond the control of the rider. These are usually the result of a driver not paying attention to the road or driving aggressively.

In these situations, an at-fault motorist can be held liable for any injuries caused as a result of their negligence through a Maryland personal injury lawsuit. It is important for Maryland accident victims to understand the varying laws that govern these cases, as Maryland courts apply unique laws in certain circumstances that can thwart an accident victim’s chances of recovering for their injuries if they are not adequately prepared.

Has Your Child Been Injured in a Maryland Bicycle Accident?

If your child has recently been injured in a Maryland bicycle accident, you should consult with the dedicated Maryland personal injury lawyers at the law firm of Lebowitz & Mzhen Personal Injury Lawyers. At Lebowitz & Mzhen, we represent accident victims and their loved ones in cases against those responsible for their injuries. To learn more about how we can help you obtain the compensation you deserve, call 410-654-3600 to speak with a Maryland accident lawyer about your case. Calling is free, and we will not bill you for our services unless we are able to help you recover for your injuries or the injuries of your loved one.

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