
Bicyclist Hit By Semi-Truck on Way to Work

Earlier this week in Shelby Township, Michigan, a man was killed as he was riding his bike to work. According to a report by one local news source, the accident occurred at around four in the morning.

Evidently, the bicyclist was on his way to work at a nearby factory when he was hit by a semi-truck. Although there was a sidewalk where the accident occurred, the bicyclist was riding on the road. Police say that the truck driver stopped at the scene of the accident and remained cooperative through the investigation. They do not believe that drugs or alcohol had a role to play in the accident.

Police also told reporters that bicyclists should be using the sidewalks, but often bicyclists ride in the street. This is contradictory to laws in most jurisdictions that require bicyclists to ride on the street and follow posted traffic laws.

Bicycle Safety on Maryland Public Roads

Although the police officer interviewed above told reporters that bicyclists and pedestrians should always use the sidewalk when traveling on public roads, that is not the case in Maryland. While pedestrians should always use the sidewalk, when one is available, bicyclists are required to ride on the road and obey all posted traffic laws.

In turn, bicyclists are treated as any other vehicle while riding on public roads. This means that cars and trucks should yield to bicyclists as they would yield to any other vehicle on the road. However, this is often not the case. When a car or truck fails to yield to a bicyclist, the driver may be held liable for the injuries caused as a result of the accident.

Recovering in a Bicycle Accidents

After a motor vehicle accident, financial recovery may not be the first thing on an accident victim’s mind. However, after the medical bills start coming in, the reality of the situation often sets in, and determining how to pay them often becomes a real concern. It is for this reason that the State of Maryland allows accident victims to seek financial compensation for their injuries after a serious accident.

In order to prove a case against a driver, a bicycle accident victim must prove that the defendant driver was negligent in some way and that the negligence caused the accident, resulting in the victim’s injuries. Often, an accident victim can prove negligence by pointing to some violation of a traffic law committed by the defendant.

Have You Been Involved in a Maryland Bicycle Accident?

If you or a loved one has recently been involved in a serious Maryland bicycle accident, you may be entitled to monetary damages based on the driver’s negligence. To learn more about how you may be able to recover for your injuries, speak to a dedicated Maryland personal injury attorney immediately. Keep in mind that personal injury lawsuits have strict deadlines that must be followed. To make sure that you are not barred from bringing your suit, call 410-654-3600 to set up a free initial consultation with a dedicated Maryland personal injury attorney.

More Blog Posts:

Questionable Police Chase Results in Several Serious Injuries, Maryland Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Blog, published December 4, 2014.

Hit-and-Run Accident Victim Struck While on Bike, Lucky To be Alive, Maryland Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Blog, published November 12, 2014.

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